College Application Essay Support
The College Application Essay
College application deadlines are just around the corner! We offer expert essay write support to help your student apply to college. We help students have a fun and (relatively) stress free experience writing their college application essays. We work with students to guide them step-by-step through the essay writing process, from idea to the completion of a well crafted essay that will help your student stand out from a sea of applicants.
Sessions may be held virtually or face-to-face.
Pricing options for essay writing support:
Individual Hours:
$200 per hour.
Single Essay Course: 5 hours of individual guidance to help your student write and perfect one college application essay, such as the Common App Essay or a core essay for one particular college.
Price: $900
Multiple Essay Course: 10 hours of support. This is enough time to write a thoughtful and well crafted 650 word Common App essay and one or two supplemental essays.
Price: $1800
Successful Applications
Students who utilized Brainstrong Academy have been accepted to the following colleges and universities:
American University
Baylor University
Cornell University
Georgetown University
Liberty University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Occidental College
Stanford University
The College of William and Mary
The George Washington University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Southern California
Vanderbilt University
Contact Dr. Lester for more information: